Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcoming the Unexpected

You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow. -Tony Robbins

I was spe
echless when I heard the news. Iya gave birth to a baby boy. We didn't even know she was pregnant. After all this time, we thought it was just a mass growing inside her belly. Apparently, underneath it was a living human being. Iya claims she didn't know as well until it was time to give birth.

I thought she was kidding when she texted. So off I went to the hospital to visit them with my million questions. It was awesome seeing mother and son doing fine, and since I have no experience whatsoever in childrearing, I didn't know where to start with my questions. We just sat and watch him sleep.

But no matter how complicated things may seem and how this may throw things off balance, I believe a life is a life and he is a blessing. He may be an unexpected addition, but he is a bundle of joy, nonetheless, and I'm super excited to spend time with my second godchild.


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