Friday, February 22, 2008

Over the Fence

For better or worse, I've made my decision. I'm thankful for the new people I've met, and I guess the smart thing to do is to look forward to working with them. There are still doubts, but I know I've got to give this a fair chance. I can only hope I made the right choice this time.

I miss several things back there, but what I sorely miss most of all, are my peeps. Those crazy, great people whom you could have both meaningless and profound conversations with. I miss the shared laughter, woes, and food. What can I say? Absence, indeed, makes the heart grow fonder.

Nonetheless, I'm blessed with two officemates who share the same craziness for picture-taking. These girls are just like Julia, multiplied by two! There may only be the three of us in the 14th floor office, but I think we're going to be a formidable team. So here's to great memories in the making, lots of hardworking office hours, and tons more of these Kodak moments.