Thursday, June 11, 2009

Extraordinary Providence

It's probably the season that I'm most green...with envy, that is. I'm so envious of everyone who still has the opportunity to celebrate Fathers' Day with their dads. Fathers' Day used to be one of the corniest seasons in the Torres household, what with the never ending handmade greeting cards that had the staple We heart you, Daddy. We always laughed about it, because we never had anything new to say..but however worn out and predictable the words were, we meant it, and I believe Daddy was pleased.

It's been six years since he passed away, but we still miss him a lot. Cliche as it may sound, it was never the same without him. What's amazing is that we still feel he is taking care of us. We are still blessed with the fruits of his hard work during his time here on earth. We're doing well and we have the things that we need and more. That is considering Daddy did not have much when he started. When he moved here to Manila, all he had was his college degree and his dreams.

It's all good though; I know he's in a better place...and I know that right now it's his time to be taken cared of..I believe that God, in his goodness, Who is also taking care of us right now, will reunite our family in the future.

Happy Fathers' Day.